How to chose best name for blog , YouTube, apps & website

##### keypoints before deciding your name

How to chose best name for blog and YouTube and apps and website

01. Name related to your contents, what you are going to serve , like tech, education, comedy, blogging, digital marketiing , cooking , your ideas

02. Easy to remenber - don not choose hard name like me Anurag Affection 

03. Also uniqueness is necessary

04. Take your time - at least 10 days 

05. At least write 100- 200 names in your notebook

06. Username on social media 

07. Take care on .com extension 

08. Chek out all the social media handles inlcluding their website and applicaton of your competiotrs 

09. Some website to take help, just GOOGLE on google.

10. Why synonmys

11. Ending and starting letters problems like tutor rank, tutorrank

12. Also checkout the socal media handles of big companies like google, youtube, samsung.