Shift 01
One question related to Champaran Revolt?
World TB Day is celebrated on which date?
According to Census 2011 literacy rate is highest of which state?
Who is the author of “Pathway to God”?
Perfect soil to grow Cashew Nuts?
Which Indian Batsman played most test matches?
Largest Floating solar park in which state?
What is the chemical formula of Bluevitriol?
Who is the Current Agriculture Minister?
City Along Saryu River?
Who is the Deputy Election Commissioner of India?
Who is the Chief Justice of Telangana High Court?
Gandhi Sagar Dam situated in?
What is the chemical name of Vitamin C?
Global Hunger Index Rank of India?
Cell Theory is given by?
Who is the Napoleon of India?
Shift 02
Author of Amnesty?
Renuka Lake is in?
Paman Island?
100 % Organic Union Territory?
What is UBUNTU?
Term Hang in a computer?
Central Vigilance Commissioner of India?
Onion is Red Because of Red Pigment?
First-ever Female Wrestler to get a medal in the Olympics?
After which event, Vallabh Bhai Patel got the title of SARDAR?
Shift 03
What is the capital of Mizoram?
Global Climate Index related question?
Who is the current Education Minister?
What is the scientific name of Onion?
One question related to Article 61.
Who is the shakespeare of India?
Sardar Sarovar Dam is situated on which river?
Who is the chairman of UPSC?
Who discovered the Cell?
Who won the Dhaka Marathin?
ELISA test is relaed to which of the following?