Npm vs Npx

`npm` and `npx` are both command-line tools used in Node.js development, but they serve different purposes:

1. npm (Node Package Manager):
   - `npm` is the package manager for JavaScript and the default package manager for Node.js.
   - It is primarily used to install, manage, and publish packages/modules.
   - It can also be used to run scripts defined in the `package.json` file of a project.
   - Example usage: `npm install packageName`

2. npx (Node Package Execute):
   - `npx` comes bundled with npm starting from version 5.2.0.
   - It is used to execute npm package binaries without having to install them globally.
   - It is often used for running commands from packages that are not globally installed or for running one-off commands.
   - Example usage: `npx packageName`

In summary, `npm` is for managing packages and executing locally installed binaries, while `npx` is for executing packages without having to install them globally.