world meteorological day theme
हर वर्ष 23 मार्च को विश्व मौसम विज्ञान दिवस बनाया जाता है।
30 मार्च सन 1950 को विश्व मौसम संगठन संयुक्त राष्ट्र के एक विभाग के रूप में स्थापित हुआ तथा जेनेवा में इसका मुख्यालय रखा गया।
विश्व मौसम विज्ञान संगठन (WMO) एक अंतर सरकारी संगठन है जिसका मुख्यालय जिनेवा, स्विट्जरलैंड में है |
विश्व मौसम विज्ञान संगठन में कुल 191 सदस्य देश एवं क्षेत्र हैं |
The World Meteorological Day is observed as a proud celebration of the establishment of The World Meteorological Organisation on March 23 every year.
World Meteorological Day 2021 Theme :- The Ocean, our climate and weather
World Meteorological Day 2020 Theme :- Water and Climate Change
World Meteorological Day 2019 Theme :- The Sun, the Earth and the Weather
World Meteorological Day 2018 Theme :- Weather-ready, climate-smart
World Meteorological Day 2017 Theme :- Understanding clouds
World Meteorological Day 2016 Theme :- Hotter, drier, wetter – Face the future
World Meteorological Day 2015 Theme :- Climate knowledge for Climate Action
World Meteorological Day 2014 Theme :- Weather and Climate: Engaging youth
World Meteorological Day 2013 Theme :- Watching the weather to protect life and property
World Meteorological Day 2012 Theme :- Powering our future with weather, climate and water
World Meteorological Day 2011 Theme :- Climate for you
World Meteorological Day 2010 Theme :- 60 years of service for your safety and well-being
World Meteorological Day 2009 Theme :- Weather, climate and the air we breathe
World Meteorological Day 2008 Theme :- Observing our planet for a better future
World Meteorological Day 2007 Theme :- Polar meteorology: Understanding global impacts
World Meteorological Day 2006 Theme :- Preventing and mitigating natural disasters
World Meteorological Day 2005 Theme :- Weather, climate, water and sustainable development
World Meteorological Day 2004 Theme :- Weather, climate, water in the information age
World Meteorological Day 2003 Theme :- Our future climate