12 | Inventions and discoveries | Miscellaneous part 12 | GK Lite | GK in English| Anurag Affection GK | Inventions and Discoveries GK |

12 | Inventions and discoveries | Miscellaneous part 12 | GK Lite |

1:- TEST series
3:- Yt Playlist
4:- Special eNote

Let's start your Learning Skills

1. Who invented Aeroplane ?
Answer: Both Wilbur Wright & Orville Wright

2. Bicycle
Answer: K Macmillan

3. Revolver
Answer: Colt

4. power loom
Answer: Cartwright

5. Who invented fountain pen?
Answer: Waterman 

6. Dynamo
Answer: Michael Faraday

7. Facebook
Answer: Mark Zuckerberg

8. Google
Answer: Larry Page & Sergey Brin

9. YouTube
Answer: Steve Chen & Jawed Karim & Chad Hurley's

10. Diesel engine
Answer: Rudolf Diesel

11. Gramophone
Answer: Edison

12. Television
Answer: J L Baird

13. Sewing Machine
Answer: Elias Howe

14. Printing Press
Answer: Johannes Gutenberg

15. Steam engine
Answer: Denis Papin

16. Watt steam engine
Answer: James watt

17. Mercury thermometer
Answer: Daniel Fahrenheit

18. 🔭 Telescope
Answer: Galileo

19. Transistor
Answer: W Shockley

20. Microscope
Answer: Z Jansen

21. Gas turbine
Answer: John Barber

22. Electric battery
Answer: Alessandro Volta

23. Railway engine
Answer: Stephenson

24. Railway steam locomotive
Answer: Richard Trevithick

25. Tyres
Answer: Dunlop

26. Typewriter
Answer: Both 

27. Safety Razor
Answer: Gillette

28. Automatic calculator
Answer: Wilhelm Schikard

29. Air conditioner
Answer: Willis Carrier

30. Animation
Answer: Emile Reynaud

31. Motor Car 
Answer: Henry Ford

32. Motor Car ( Petrol )
Answer: Carl Benz

33. Wireless radio
Answer: G Marconi

34. Law of gravitation
Answer: Newton

35. Photography
Answer: George Eastman

36. Valve radio
Answer: JA Fleming

37. vitamin A
Answer: Frederick Hpokins

38. Vitamin B
Answer: Christian Eijkman

39. Vitamin C
Answer: Albert Szent 

40. Vitamin K
Answer: Henrik Dam

41. Vitamins E
Answer: Herbert McLean & Katherine Scott Bishop

42. Vaccination
Answer: Edward Jenner

43. Anti Polio Vaccine
Answer: Jones Salk

44. Polio Oral Vaccine
Answer: Albert Sabin

45. Antiseptic Surgery
Answer: Lord Lister

46. Circulation of blood
Answer: Harvey

47. Blood Bank
Answer: Charles Drew

48. Insulin
Answer: Banting

49. Penicillin
Answer: Alexander Fleming

50. Homeopathy
Answer: Haneman

51. Sulpha Drugs
Answer: Domagk G

52. Malaria Parasite
Answer: Ronald Ross

53. Tuberculosis
Answer: Robert Kochh

54. Streptomycin
Answer: Wakesman

55. Chloroform
Answer: Simpson & Harrison

56. Treatment of rabies
Answer: Louis Pasteur

57. Cure of Hydrophobia
Answer: Louis Pasteur

58. Stethoscope
Answer: Rene Lainnec

59. DDT 
Answer: Paul Muller

60. Genetic Code
Answer: Hargovind khurana

61. Theory of Evolution
Answer: Darwin

62. X Ray
Answer: Wilhelm Roentgen

63. RNA
Answer: Watson & Arthur

64. Anti Pregnancy pills
Answer: Pincus

65. Gene of Cancer 
Answer: Robert Weinberg

66. Cell 
Answer: Robert Hooke

67. Chemotherapy
Answer: Paul Erlich

68. HIV
Answer: Luc Montagnier

69. DNA
Answer: Watson and Crick

70. Radioactivity
Answer: Henry Bacquerrel

71. Dynamite
Answer: Alfred Nobel

72. Crescograph
Answer: JC Bose

73. Quantum Theory
Answer: Max Plank

74. Telegraph Code
Answer: Samuel Morse

75. Radium
Answer: Marie Curie

76. Bulb 
Answer: Edison

77. Lighting Conductor
Answer: Benjamin Franklin

78. Printing for Blind
Answer: Louis Braille

79. Theory of Evolution
Answer: Charles Darwin

80. Theory of relativity
Answer: Einstein

81. Machine gun
Answer: James Puckle

82. Radar
Answer: Watson Watt

83. Paints
Answer: Shalimar

84. Cosmic rays
Answer: R.A Millikan

85. Psycho Analysis 
Answer: Freud

86. Science of Geometry
Answer: Euclid

87. Atom Bomb
Answer: Otta Hann

88. Atomic theory
Answer: John Dalton

89. Atomic number
Answer: Mosley

90. Laws of motion
Answer: Newton

91. Uranium fission
Answer: Otto Han

92. Electron theory
Answer: Neil Bohr

93. Principle of specific gravity
Answer: Archimedes

94. Hydrogen
Answer: Canvendish

95. Electromagnetic theory of light
Answer: Maxwell

96. Laws of planetary motion
Answer: Johannes Kepler

97. Laws of gravitation
Answer: Newton

98. Laws of falling bodies
Answer: Galileo

99. Laws of heredity
Answer: Mendel

100. Cyclotron
Answer: Lawrence

101. Electrical waves
Answer: Hertz

102. Laws of electrolysis
Answer: Faraday

103. Laws of electrical resistance
Answer: Ohm

104. Laws of multiple proportion
Answer: John Dalton

105. Oxygen
Answer: Priestley

106. Liquid oxygen
Answer: Dewar

107. Inert gases
Answer: Ramsay

108. Rare Gas
Answer: Canvendish

109. Electron 
Answer: J J Thomson

110. Proton
Answer: G Goldstein

111. Neutron
Answer: James Chadwick

112. Helium gas
Answer: Lockyer

113. Law of gases
Answer: Gay Lussac

114. Current electricity
Answer: Volta

115. Electric battery
Answer: Volta

116. Electric lamp
Answer: Edison

117. Electricity
Answer: Faraday

118. Barometer
Answer: Torricelli

119. Jet propulsion
Answer: Frank Whittle

120. Helicopter
Answer: Broquet

121. Miner's safety lamp
Answer: Davy

122. Submarine
Answer: Bushwell

123. Periodic table
Answer: Mendleev

124. Thermos flask
Answer: Dewar

125. Raman effect
Answer: CV Raman

126. Seismograph
Answer: Robert Mallet

127. Replacing human heart
Answer: Christian Bernard

128. Positive electrons
Answer: Thomson

129. Circulation of blood
Answer: William Harvey

130. Musical film
Answer: Warner Bros

131. Talking film
Answer: Warner Bros

132. Benzene
Answer: Michael Faraday

133. Alternating current
Answer: Nikola Tesla

134. Tesla coil, Remote Control
Answer: Nikola Tesla

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